Fun Stuff

Make Your Tap Water Sparkle
If there’s one trendy craze that doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon, it’s sparkling water. This summer season, you can definitely expect to see more brands and flavors of sparkling water hitting the shelves in your local supermarket. The rise of the carbonated water craze is perfect for those who may not be drinking enough water or want a little bit of extra flavor in their beverages. However, those refreshing drinks can get expensive, especially if you’re relying on them for a source of hydration.

Water, Water Everywhere!
With the upcoming Day Without Water on October 10, San Jose Water is really looking at the value of water in our lives. We use it every single day, whether it’s to drink, clean, or cook. But have you ever wondered what else we need water for?

Join San Jose Water at Water Appreciation Night!
Did you know that about 95% of the water entering our homes goes down the drain? This can be attributed to leaving the tap on while brushing your teeth, over-watering plants, or using leaky faucets. Regardless, it is important to become more involved in reducing our water usage, as water is a limited resource that shouldn’t be taken for granted.

How Many Gallons of Water Do You Use During the Holidays?

Water Loves Chocolate